Category Archives: etmooc

Diving into #etmooc

etmooc begins today and this will be my first experience with a MOOC.

I work at the University of Regina, although currently my job is in program coordination for our Lifelong Learning Centre rather than educational technology. Edtech is most definitely my favourite area though and I spent 7 months working at the Centre for Teaching and Learning as the e-Learning Coordinator. I do intend to work on my education after having started out in a totally different field (religious studies). I’ve always found technology fascinating but never had a whole lot of encouragement or time to integrate it into how I thought of teaching until I worked at our CTL. My hope is to eventually make my way back to educational technology and instructional design.

I’ve tested out various forms of edtech, done research, and hosted workshops on different ideas. I have spend some time as a consistent blogger, I’m a semi-regular tweeter, and I am looking forward to expanding my PLN and gaining insight from the experience of others as well as sharing what I know and think!

Excuse the lack of sound or video but I promise to try to get there. When I record I tend to spend ridiculous amounts of time redoing flubs and was not really up to that for the first blog.

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Posted by on January 14, 2013 in etmooc